
Why porcelain is a perfect fit with our holistic dentistry center

Why porcelain is a perfect fit with our holistic dentistry center

By restoring the structure and health of a tooth, dental crowns play an important role in supporting your overall health and well-being. We depend on our teeth for so many essential functions. The smile is also the central feature of our face. So, when the teeth look, feel, and function less than their best, it can affect your whole self. You feel less confident about how you look. A damaged and aching tooth can interfere with your ability to eat the foods you enjoy or get the nutrition your body needs as fuel.  All porcelain crowns  At The International Center … Continue reading

A guide to long-lasting dental crowns; when a crown may need to be replaced by our skilled cosmetic dentist

Porcelain Crown Replacement in Fort Lauderdale FL Area

By partnering with a globally-recognized cosmetic dentist like Dr. Yolanda Cintron, you can expect that your dental crown will look and feel natural and provide healthy and lasting function. Individuals with broken, decayed, poorly shaped, and otherwise failing or unsightly teeth travel from across the globe to the International Center for Dental Excellence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They know that Dr. Cintron and our team use premium, biocompatible (non-toxic), and durable materials to build crowns and other dental restorations. Patients also seek out our expertise when a crown or restoration is failing. We provide replacement options that are also built … Continue reading

Signs Your Dental Crown Needs to Be Replaced

Dental Crown Replacement Fort Near Me In Lauderdale FL

A dental crown is durable enough to stay in place for up to 20 years. However, sometimes your crown may need replacement sooner because if you ignore the signs, your tooth underneath will suffer damage and sensitivity. Sometimes, the need for crown replacement is obvious, such as when it falls out. However, it’s not always straightforward that your crown needs replacement. At The International Center for Dental Excellence, we know a thing or two about dental crowns, and these are the signs to keep your eyes peeled for when your crown replacement is due: Feel like your dental caps are … Continue reading

Dental Bridges are a viable option for replacing missing teeth

Dental Bridge in Fort Lauderdale Area

Missing teeth not only affect your smile but can hinder how your teeth function. They can alter your bite by causing the remaining teeth to shift out of alignment, which can put undue pressure on your jaw. Dental bridges from The International Center for Dental Excellence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, can resolve these problems while improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile. The importance of replacing missing teeth Replacing missing teeth will restore your smile, which is important for your appearance, confidence, and self-esteem. Equally as important is that dental bridges restore tooth function to the way it used to … Continue reading

Costs and Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Cost in Lauderdale Area

A smile is not just about healthy gums and strong teeth — the size, shape, alignment, and color matter for many folks. However, what is the fuss about a smile? Your smile makes you feel great about yourself. Living through an imperfect smile may damage your confidence and can impede your oral health. Fortunately, if you do not like your smile, The International Center for Dental Excellence, serving the Fort Lauderdale area, offers natural-looking crowns that can add life to your smile. However, because you do not want unpleasant surprises, you may want to know about the cost and benefits … Continue reading