
What does your smile say?

Advanced smile enhancement services in Fort Lauderdale FL area

Convey confidence, vibrancy, and health with advanced smile enhancement services Your mouth may “do the talking.” But your smile speaks volumes – without saying a single word. Due to this central facial feature’s role in your overall appearance and well-being, there is considerable power in procedures designed for “smile enhancement.” To obtain the most natural-looking result, partnering with a qualified and talented cosmetic dentist like our own Dr. Yolanda Cintron at The International Center for Dental Excellence is essential.  Have dental concerns, will travel Individuals from across the country and around the globe visit our Fort Lauderdale, Florida, center to … Continue reading

Makeover your smile and transform your life with exceptional care and advanced dentistry

Smile Makeover Dentist in Fort Lauderdale Area

We take our role as The International Center for Dental Excellence very seriously. Our team, led by cosmetic dentist Dr. Yolanda Cintron, understands the importance of a beautiful, functional smile as it relates to your overall health, quality of life, and well-being.  Just as each guest to our center is unique, the smile makeover process that follows is also one of a kind. Generally, though, there are some aspects of the process of enhancing the appearance and restoring the structure of the teeth and gums that are universal, which pertain to all of the individuals that we partner with, including:  … Continue reading