The Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation

The field of dentistry is constantly changing. Advancements in techniques and new technology allow us to provide better care to patients and improve oral health. Dental anesthesia is one area that has genuinely advanced with modern dentistry. Sedation dentistry allows dental providers to address anxiety and fear of the dentist and improve their oral health. At The International Center for Dental Excellence, we’re happy to offer our patients in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the many benefits of oral conscious sedation dentistry.

Oral Conscious Sedation in Lauderdale FL Area

Improved Oral Health

Dental anxiety is a common condition that causes many patients to avoid the dentist’s office. The absence of regular dental cleanings and exams can put patients’ oral and total health at risk. Lack of dental care can turn a minor dental problem into a much larger one in time. 

Oral conscious sedation, also sometimes called sleep dentistry, allows us to address the feelings of fear and anxiety by making patients feel comfortable and relaxed in our office. Reestablishing regular dental care improves oral health and puts patients in a position to maintain it moving forward.

Fewer Visits

Sedation dentistry isn’t just for patients who are afraid or have anxiety. We often use oral conscious sedation for patients who face multiple procedures because it increases the amount of dental work we can perform in one visit. Sedation dentistry is beneficial for patients who are undergoing smile makeovers. 

Improved Experience/Recovery

We recommend sedation dentistry for patients who have a sensitive gag reflex. Sedation can minimize this reaction by keeping the muscles relaxed. An added benefit of muscle relaxation is improved recovery and minimal soreness following the procedure.

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (954) 945-7355 | Existing Patients: (954) 938-4599

For patients wondering if sedation dentistry is right for them, you can trust that it has been tested and proven safe and effective. 

Suppose you are in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area and would like to learn more about sedation dentistry. In that case, we invite you to call The International Center for Dental Excellence today at (954) 945-7355 to schedule a consultation. We’re happy to answer questions you have about sedation dentistry

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About Dr. Yolanda Cintron

Dr. Yolanda Cintron
The International Center for Dental Excellence provides world-class cosmetic and restorative dental services, combining time-tested concepts with modern technologies.

As a biological cosmetic dentist, Dr. Yolanda Cintron for over 30 years has been creating the most beautiful smiles using the highest quality materials that will last a lifetime. Her expertise and professionalism have earned her the trust of patients, not only from Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas in Florida but also from many other countries. Patients coming from around the world for her to create their new smiles and change their lives forever.

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