A guide to long-lasting dental crowns; when a crown may need to be replaced by our skilled cosmetic dentist

By partnering with a globally-recognized cosmetic dentist like Dr. Yolanda Cintron, you can expect that your dental crown will look and feel natural and provide healthy and lasting function. Individuals with broken, decayed, poorly shaped, and otherwise failing or unsightly teeth travel from across the globe to the International Center for Dental Excellence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They know that Dr. Cintron and our team use premium, biocompatible (non-toxic), and durable materials to build crowns and other dental restorations. Patients also seek out our expertise when a crown or restoration is failing. We provide replacement options that are also built to last. Additionally, as true “partners” with our patients, we provide ongoing guidance on oral care products, cleaning techniques, behaviors, and nutrition. These healthy habits support your restored tooth’s long, healthy life! 

Porcelain Crown Replacement in Fort Lauderdale FL Area

When might a crown require replacement?

Crowns that are properly made at our center and cared for can last a lifetime. No further treatment may be required. However, some issues can arise over time. Depending on the nature and severity of the concern or condition, our cosmetic dentist Dr. Cintron may need to replace your filling, inlay, onlay, or crown to preserve the tooth and avoid requiring tooth removal followed by tooth replacement (with bridges, implants, or dentures).

Here are some situations that may call for a new and improved crown:

  • Large/many chips or cracks
  • Loose crowns, which have allowed decay-causing bacteria to enter the tooth
  • Displaced crowns that cannot be properly “re-seated”
  • Adverse allergic reactions or sensitivities to the metals used by other dental practices to make crowns and other restorations 
  • Aesthetic concerns; crowns made from metals can corrode, wear down, and produce an obvious dark line at the gum line 

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (954) 945-7355 | Existing Patients: (954) 938-4599

Symptoms that a dental crown may need to be replaced can be as simple as looking in the mirror! All you may see is that dark metal peeking through your crown. Or, a crack or chip may become very noticeable. Also, some of the problems noted above can threaten the very health and structure of the tooth. For instance, if harmful bacteria have re-entered a weak or broken crown, you may feel that familiar “sting.” Swelling, a foul taste, or persistent halitosis may accompany pain or tenderness. 

Call the International Center for Dental Excellence at (954) 945-7355 without delay to save your damaged or re-infected tooth! 

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About Dr. Yolanda Cintron

Dr. Yolanda Cintron
The International Center for Dental Excellence provides world-class cosmetic and restorative dental services, combining time-tested concepts with modern technologies.

As a biological cosmetic dentist, Dr. Yolanda Cintron for over 30 years has been creating the most beautiful smiles using the highest quality materials that will last a lifetime. Her expertise and professionalism have earned her the trust of patients, not only from Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas in Florida but also from many other countries. Patients coming from around the world for her to create their new smiles and change their lives forever.

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