Porcelain veneers: Smile transformation in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Cosmetic flaws may not be an immediate threat to your oral health, but they certainly impact the appearance of your smile. Porcelain veneers mask imperfections and bring stunning symmetry to the teeth that show when you speak or smile. Men and women from across the country come to Fort Lauderdale, FL for Dr. Yolanda Cintron’s expertise in this treatment.

Understanding dental veneers

A veneer is a super-thin dental restoration made of pearly-white ceramic material. It is meticulously designed and hand-crafted to fit over the front surface of a visible tooth. Although a single tooth can be treated, veneers are usually applied to two-to-eight top front teeth. Additional teeth and those in the lower arch can also be veneered.

Dr. Cintron may recommend veneers:

  • To give chipped teeth a smooth sheen
  • For repair of broken teeth, when the damage is minor and does not reach pulp
  • To hide fractures or irregularities in enamel
  • To build up worn-down teeth
  • For improvement in the shape or size of teeth
  • As a solution for misaligned teeth, without need for braces
  • To close gaps between teeth
  • To mask internal discoloration that cannot be lightened with professional teeth whitening

How does porcelain veneers work? Explained by Dr. Yolanda Cintron

Porcelain veneers can transform your smile and improve your self-confidence. In this video Dr. Yolanda Cintron from The International Center for Dental Excellence near Fort Lauderdale, FL, explains all you need to know about porcelain veneers. Watch the video to learn more.
Video Transcript

Who are ideal candidates for porcelain veneers?

The team at the International Center for Dental Excellence are experts in porcelain veneers and other cosmetic procedures.

This is ideal for people who are not happy with their teeth for various reasons including, the color, shape, cavities, pits, and fractures.

What is the procedure for porcelain veneers?

Molds are taken of the mouth to determine the size and shape through a wax-up.

This helps to work on a master sample to get an idea of the outcome before the actual veneers.

How does a wax-up work?

A three-dimensional wax-up is done to see how the veneers would look.

This wax-up is used to create the temporary to finalize on the size, shape, and colors of the final veneer.

Porcelain Veneers Explained

Video Transcript

Veneers are thin handcrafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improves the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are thin as contact lenses, and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth, and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing color. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers may be right for you.

Porcelain veneers – a painless process in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Porcelain veneer teeth can make a dramatic difference in your smile, and the treatment takes just two appointments, following an initial consultation.

At the first visit, teeth are prepared. This involves removing a thin layer of surface enamel to ensure veneers fit snugly. Usually numbing is not necessary, and for ultra-thin veneers, preparation is not required. Impressions of your mouth are taken, and you and Dr. Cintron decide on the exact shade of your veneers. This information goes to a trusted dental laboratory where the restorations are fabricated. Interim veneers made chairside of composite resin material can be applied if your teeth are very sensitive.

When the lab has finished your veneers, usually in about two weeks, you return to The International Center for Dental Excellence. Temporary restorations are painlessly removed. Final veneers are cemented in place and polished. You leave the office with a whole new smile!

With a variety of financing options available, a porcelain veneers smile is within your reach. Call (954) 945-7355 to schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Cintron in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

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