Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums with Comfortable, Convenient and Precise Dental Treatment
At our office, we donāt just believe our patients deserve the best customer service, and expert care, we also believe they deserve the greatest technology. At our practice, we care about your overall health and want to do our part to ensure that you have a long and healthy life. A part of that is the technology that we use in our office.
CT scans are used to produce thorough and precise data and imaging of your teeth. 3D CT scans are useful in many procedures, including the placement of tooth implants. Dr. Cintron uses CT scans in diagnosis, treatment, and post-op examinations.
After an amalgam removal procedure, Dr. Cintron uses H5 Amalgam Separators to dispose of the old silver amalgam filling. These separators keep the particles contained and stop them from being re-released into the environment where they could do harm.
Digital X rays are lower radiation than regular x rays, and allow us to see your teeth clearly and better notice any potential problems. The earlier a problem is noticed, the easier it will be to fix.
Our EKG monitors provide vital sign and respiratory data. While we administer sedation dentistry, we can monitor your vital signs to make sure that you are completely safe. EKG monitoring allows us to administer just the right level of sedation dental treatment.
This laser allows us to detect hidden cavities that may be hiding in your teeth and prevent further tooth decay.
Pro Select is a therapy system that allows us to effectively treat and prevent gum disease. Its three step approach combines ultrasonics, ultrasonics with medicaments and heated subgingival irrigation.
Instead of a conventional dental drill, Waterlase uses laser energy. It is more comfortable, convenient, and precise. Less anesthetic is needed because Waterlase performs dental procedures without the heat, vibration and pressure associated with the dental drill.
Dr. Cintron invests in technology that will make her procedures even better and more effective for her patients. To find out more about our technology. Call us today.