
Your Comfort and Experience is Our Priority: Stress-Free Dentistry with Conscious Sedation

Dental Sedation in Clinic Lauderdale FL Area

“Stress-free” dentistry is essential. It means a lot of different things at the International Center for Dental Excellence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our dentist, Dr. Yolanda Cintron, is accomplished in various dental disciplines–from cosmetic and holistic dentistry to sedation dentistry. When combined with our team’s calming and soothing manner, sedation represents yet another way our clinic can optimally support patients’ comfort and safety.  Sedation at Our Center  “Sedation” generally refers to those medications and methods used to put patients at ease during dental visits and treatments. Dental fear and anxiety are common and can stand in the way of individuals … Continue reading

The Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral Conscious Sedation in Lauderdale FL Area

The field of dentistry is constantly changing. Advancements in techniques and new technology allow us to provide better care to patients and improve oral health. Dental anesthesia is one area that has genuinely advanced with modern dentistry. Sedation dentistry allows dental providers to address anxiety and fear of the dentist and improve their oral health. At The International Center for Dental Excellence, we’re happy to offer our patients in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the many benefits of oral conscious sedation dentistry. Improved Oral Health Dental anxiety is a common condition that causes many patients to avoid the dentist’s office. The absence … Continue reading